Lyidia V Masika, Innocent B Mboya, Rehema Anenmose Maro, Benson Mtesha, Mtoro J Mtoro, Kennedy Ngowi,2 Michael Johnson Mahande, Marion Sumari-de Boer. Forgetting to Take Medication, Treatment Adherence and Their Relationship with Viral Load Suppression Among People Living with HIV in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania.
Iraseni Ufoo Swai ,Lisa Lynn ten Bergen,Alan Mtenga,Rehema Maro,Kennedy Ngowi,Benson Mtesha,Naomi Lekashingo,Takondwa Msosa,Tobias F. Rinke de Wit,Rob Aarnoutse,Marion Sumari-de Boer. Developing contents for a digital adherence tool: A formative mixed-methods study among children and adolescents living with HIV in Tanzania
Takondwa Charles Msosa, Iraseni Swai, Marion Sumari-de Boer, Kennedy Ngowi, Tobias F. Rinke de Wit, Rob Aarnoutse & Marriott Nliwasa. The effect of a customised digital adherence tool on HIV treatment outcomes in young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) in Blantyre, Malawi: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Marion Sumari‐de Boer, Kennedy M. Ngowi, Iraseni U. Swai, Lyidia V. Masika, Rehema A. Maro, Alan E. Mtenga1, Benson A. Mtesha, Pythia T. Nieuwkerk, Ria Reis, Tobias F. Rinke de Wit, and Rob E. Aarnoutse. Effect of a customized digital adherence tool on retention in care and adherence to antiretroviral treatment in breastfeeding women, children and adolescents living with HIV in Tanzania: a mixed‐methods study followed by clinical trials.
Kennedy M. Ngowi, Linda Minja, I. Marion Sumari‑de Boer1, Rob E. Aarnoutse, Lyidia Masika, Mirjam A. G. Sprangers, Francis M. Pima, Blandina T. Mmbaga, Peter Reiss and Pythia T. Nieuwkerk. Predicting viral load suppression by self-reported adherence, pharmacy refill counts and real time medication monitoring among people living with HIV in Tanzania.
Ngowi, K.M., Masika, L., Lyamuya, F., Muro, E., Mmbaga, B.T., Sprangers, M.A.G., Nieuwkerk, P.T., Aarnoutse, R.E., Reiss, P., Sumari-de Boer, I.M. Returning of antiretroviral medication dispensed over a period of 8 months suggests non-adherence despite full adherence according to real time medication monitoring. AIDS Res Ther 17, 57 (2020).
Sumari-de Boer IM, Ngowi KM, Sonda TB, Pima FM, Masika Bpharm LV, Sprangers MAG, Reiss P, Mmbaga BT, Nieuwkerk PT, Aarnoutse RE. Effect of Digital Adherence Tools on Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment Among Adults Living With HIV in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Alan Elias Mtenga, Rehema Anenmose Maro, Angel Dillip, Perry Msoka, Naomi Emmanuel, Kennedy Ngowi, Marion Sumari-de Boer. Acceptability of a Digital Adherence Tool Among Patients With Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Care Providers in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania: Mixed Methods Study
Rehema Anenmose Maro, Alan Mtenga, Benson Mtesha, Krisanta Wilhelm, Naomi Lekashingo, Marion Sumari-de Boer, Kennedy Ngowi. Implementation bottlenecks of real time medication monitoring (evriMED) for improving adherence to anti-TB drugs among people with tuberculosis in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405579423000657
Sumari-de Boer IM, van den Boogaard J, Ngowi KM, Semvua HH, Kiwango KW, Aarnoutse RE, Nieuwkerk PT, Kibiki GS. Feasibility of Real Time Medication Monitoring Among HIV Infected and TB Patients in a Resource-Limited Setting
Rehema Anenmose Maro, Kennedy Ngowi, Haikael Martin, Angel Dillip, Lyidia Masika, Alan Mtenga, Benson Mtesha & Marion Sumari-de Boer. Needs and contents of a customized digital tool for retention in care and medication adherence among pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV in Kilimanjaro.
Sumari-de Boer M, Pima FM, Ngowi KM, et al. Implementation and effectiveness of evriMED with short messages service (SMS) reminders and tailored feedback compared to standard care on adherence to treatment among tuberculosis patients in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: proposal for a cluster randomized controlled trial.
REMIND pilot studies
Ngowi, KM, Maro E, Aarnoutse RE, Mmbaga BT, Sprangers MAG, Reiss P, Nieuwkerk PT, Sumari-de Boer IM de. Feasibility of SMS to remind pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV to take antiretroviral treatment in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania: a pilot study.
I Marion de Sumari-de Boer, Jossy van den Boogaard, Kennedy M Ngowi, Hadija H Semvua, Krisanta W Kiwango, Rob E Aarnoutse, Pythia T Nieuwkerk, Gibson S Kibiki. Feasibility of real time medication monitoring among HIV infected and TB patients in a resource-limited setting. Aids Behav 2016;20(5):1097-1107.
Martha et al. Understanding reasons for the use and non-use of natural contraceptive methods among young unmarried sexually active men in Moshi, Tanzania: a qualitative study using SMS and in-depth interviews
Other digital health studies
Pima FM, Oshosen M, Ngowi KM, Habte BM, Maro E, Teffera BE, Kisigo G, Swai IU, Msangi SS, Ermias A, Mmbaga BT, Both R, Sumari-de Boer M. Feasibility of Using Short Message Service and In-Depth Interviews to Collect Data on Contraceptive Use Among Young, Unmarried, Sexually Active Men in Moshi, Tanzania, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Mixed Methods Study With a Longitudinal Follow-Up. JMIR Form Res 2019;3(2):e12657Description goes here
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